So S I think needs a post that is all about her...and so here it is:
S is a REALLY funny person--I laugh everyday from her sarcasm
S has the kindest heart of anyone I know. To a fault! I am no where near as kind and have been told my heart has some black spots on it, which is true. S does not have said spots.
S is always up for a good time. Like the time she went on a Cali excursion to cheer me on when I ran the Dland Half Marathon. She even woke up early and was there at the finish line to tell me good job. She even pumped me up the day before giving me positive advice that calmed me down because I am a freaker who gets anxiety over EVERYTHING
S is a true friend, as described in the above statement. I think she would do anything for a friend, and even though she kids that my parents pay her to be my friend I know deep down she would not be able to live without me in her life. (or maybe that statement is the other way around).
S is in charge of my life. Seriously someone needs to be. I ask her to do things and make decisions for me about all things...even how to bid on Ebay, or how to count math in my head, or how to open a ticket printer to restock it with ticket stock, or just sitting next to me while I am trying to figure out some work problem. For some reason I can't do most of these things on my own...so she helps me. And I am sure she rolls her eyes when I am not looking (most do) but she's always willing to help me in my life. Actually the eye rolling is done right in front of my face...you know the saying "a true friend stabs you in the front..." Yeah she is like that, and that is what you want in a friend.
S calls me out when I am being absolutely ridiculous.
S and I have butt crack problems. My pants are always way too low cause I am the lowest rider you will ever meet and S claims she has a really high butt crack so obviously that already makes us instant friends. Hence the butt crack picture.
There are SO many other things I could say about S right now, but it would start getting cheesy and even though this blog is out there to make fun of all the bloggers in the world I can't keep going. All of the above statements are true...and probably the most serious post you will ever see from B.
Over and Out