Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/27/2010 Scare Log . . .

*9:48am B lurking around the corner makes B.G. man scream
*10:37am S turns to the left whilst screaming and it makes B jump up and scares the hickups right out of her.

Sasquatch vs. UFO

What do YOU believe in???????

S believes in both, our friend B.G. says she is more likely to believe in UFO and not so much sasquatch (kind of offending if you ask me) but B says Sasquatch for sure is more believable. Any thoughts from our faithful readers out there?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010


Brannon will be on strike until R kisses A.

This means we most likely won't be blogging ever again.

Womp, Womp

B & S

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Moon

S and I went and saw New Moon last night with our friend K. K is Kirsten Dorius. She freaking loved that movie more than words can say. She cried at points, laughed, and even thought Edward was going to take her to his place last night. But alas, he did not. Because Kirsten: HE ISN'T REAL. Sorry but he's not.

I (B) would also do Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) any day of the week. Yes, he is 17 years old and I am 24, almost 25 - - but I don't care. Um that body is pretty much all I need to say. I don't care if it's considered statutory rape. It WILL be worth it. Who is with me??

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

B is awesome! This will safice for now