Todays words of the day are . . .
Why you ask, well let me just tell you. It all started @ 6am at the Kbull 93 station this morning. They had a contest going for human bowling for Taylor swift tickets and backstage passes. There were 20 contestants and you guessed it, I was one of them!!! Boooya! It all came down to 3 of us that were tied with a score of 18. Time for a bowl off. Contestant #1 goes and bowls a score of 8, Contestant #2 (ME) and I bowl a 9!!!! oh yeah I'm in the lead! Contestant #3's turn, she goes and bowls a . . . . . . . .8! Yeah thats right, I totally won! I am going to Taylor Swift on Tuesday, and I totally get to meet her! Here is a link for channel 2 news this morning. http://www.kutv.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoId=89309@kutv.dayport.com&navCatId=1841