Friday, May 22, 2009

Words of the day . . . . .

Todays words of the day are . . .


Why you ask, well let me just tell you. It all started @ 6am at the Kbull 93 station this morning. They had a contest going for human bowling for Taylor swift tickets and backstage passes. There were 20 contestants and you guessed it, I was one of them!!! Boooya! It all came down to 3 of us that were tied with a score of 18. Time for a bowl off. Contestant #1 goes and bowls a score of 8, Contestant #2 (ME) and I bowl a 9!!!! oh yeah I'm in the lead! Contestant #3's turn, she goes and bowls a . . . . . . . .8! Yeah thats right, I totally won! I am going to Taylor Swift on Tuesday, and I totally get to meet her! Here is a link for channel 2 news this morning.


Friday, May 15, 2009

K to the I to the NGS to the BURY

Kingsbury Hall Seating Chart in case anyone cares.
B bought new tires for her car. Womp Womp--so much money. Then she got new car insurance. Womp Womp again. Boo money.

S got one of her awesome pickles yesterday. She was happy. B is happy when S is happy.

B has face problems. She needs to get fixed. Maybe a whole new face would help. Anyone know how to make that happen let B know.

S is addicted to the Atlantis game again. It's all she does. Which makes B's life boring at the Bury.

S thinks the ticket office at the bury is frickin cold. B has hot flashes all the live long day and will NOT turn down the air. Hence the eternal temperature battle that occurs every single wingle day.

B started running again. She ran 5 miles yesterday and it oh so sore. But B also needs to fix the FAT A problem she has. Alas the running.

S and B's new fav song is "I'm Sorry Miss Jackson...I am for REAL" but B and S implement each other's names for Jackson. They do this all day long. S and B find it hilarious...others in the TO find it utterly annoying. Whatevs.

This summer at the Bury we are having a Saw Movie Marathon. S has seen most of them. B has not--which is crazy due to her true love for scary movies. The first Saw movie is almost half way done. But B can not finish it until Japser is here to watch it as well.

There is a Bee Hive in a tree by the bury. S almost got attacked yesterday from these swarming bees. S came back distraught, B found it hilarious. If anyone comes by the Bury BEWARE OF BEES.

B loves Sodoku.

S still loves pickels.

Over and Out.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Connie and Dave Paxman

ummmm I have no words for these two folks. think of the worst smokers cackling laugh you've ever heard and times it by a million. that will give you an idea of connie. here is a pic of the happy couple. ok maybe it's not them really, but close enough. they are going to the david copperfield show on sunday. maybe you can see them then.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Word of the day!

Todays word is. . . . . . . . . .
Make sure and be extra gangsta today!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day the of word >>>>>>>>

The word of the day is . . .


But not the actual meaning of the word word, the slang meaning.


1) well said 2)said in a agreement 3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up
1..and 2...Yo u goin to that rocks tanite....word 3) word up

Isn't it a little ironic that the word of the day is word ? ? ? I think so! Right Jasper???

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


-------------------------------------------------This is B after the storm-----------------------

In honor of S's birth stone. And in honor of B's first born girl to be named Ruby. (Jan. 12th 2010)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

EFF you parking services!

apparently you can get a ticket at a meter here on the effing university of utah even if your meter has NOT expired. yeah i'm not kidding. totally got a ticket with ONE minute left.

pretty sure all of those parking A HOLES are hookers (ps that is the word of the day).

needless to say i am FURIOUS i tell you. FURIOUS. and since they are the most HATED people in the world they pay people to sleep with them. they are reverse hookers. they have to pay for people to sleep with them. HA take that suckers.


Friday, May 1, 2009

word of the dayyyyyy


thats the word.

As in BAM I want to kill this day.
